Find the answers to all your questions about registration, the cars, the teams, sponsorship, fundraising and more. If you have a question that isn’t listed, by all means contact us at Rally HQ via phone or email.
What is the process after I register a team?
If your team is accepted, you’ll receive an email. You then need to post in some paperwork and pay the registration fee. Once we have both, we send you a confirmation email. That’s when you set up your We Give fundraising page, then a Welcome Pack from Cancer Council is posted out and you get started on fundraising.
How soon does $485 (inc GST) per team need to be paid?
You need to pay this on acceptance of your team. We cannot confirm your teams place on the rally without it.
If I can’t go and need to pull out, will I be able to transfer the registration fee to the following year as credit?
No, registration is non-refundable and non-transferable.
If I sign up, do I have to come up with the $3000 fundraising amount straight away?
No, the only thing you need to pay straight away is the registration fee ($485 inc GST per team). You will need to raise at least $1,000 three months before the rally, $2,000 two months before the rally and your minimum of $3,000 in your We Give account one month before the rally starts.
If the $1,500 car value/budget is exceeded, does it really matter?
Yes, it does matter. The $1,500 car value/budget rule is the main rule we have. Take a look at the terms and conditions and especially clauses 13-14. You really don’t need to spend more so not only would it be effectively cheating and against the point of the rally, but it would also be a waste of money. There are humorous “penalties” for any cars not meeting our criteria!
Are AWD, 4WD or Buses allowed?
No, only 2WD vehicles are allowed on Lunchbox Rally. Take a look at the terms and conditions clause 12.
Does the $1,500 include rego, roadworthy and insurance?
No, it does not, as the costs can vary massively state to state.
If we can get donated tyres, is this exempt from the $1,500 car value/budget?
If your car needs 4 new tyres, then it’s considered a safety issue and is exempt from the $1500 value/budget. You will need 2 spares (also a safety thing) and these are definitely exempt.
What happens to the cars at the end of the rally?
You drive them home. From there it’s up to you. Sell it or hold onto it.
Which state/territory do we need to satisfy the roadworthy requirements for?
The state/territory the car is registered in.
Can I decorate my car?
Yes, definitely! Crazy car decorations are a big part of the rally. The bonnet and two front doors will be needed for rally sponsors and organiser’s stickers so keep those areas clear for them, the rest is up to you.
Is car sponsorship allowed in exchange for putting the sponsor’s logo or branding on the car? Also can the company be supplied with the relevant documentation, so that the donation could be recorded for tax purposes?
Yes, car sponsorship is allowed and encouraged. We will be giving all rally participants detailed information about this, but let us give you a quick run-down now.
If you know of a business that would like their branding on your car, they can do this by sponsoring your team. Of course, the business can also donate to your team at the same time. When a business/donor makes a donation, they don’t get any promotion or branding in return, but with sponsorship, they do.
So, what does this mean? If the company wants both the branding and tax receipt, they can split their payment. The payment for the sponsorship ($110 inc GST) is paid to Box Rallies and the donation amount goes directly to Cancer Council, with the donation amount being attributed to the team’s fundraising page and the business receives a tax receipt for the donation automatically.
Does the $110 inc GST sponsorship fee go towards our fundraising total?
No. Box Rallies uses the $110 (inc GST) sponsorship fee to help with the costs of running the rally. Anything over $110 inc GST is therefore a donation, is tax deductible and goes towards your team’s total.
Do all of the funds raised go to the Cancer Council?
80% of total funds raised will go to Cancer Council. The remaining 20% goes towards covering the costs of organising and running the rally.
What is the maximum number of people we can have in each car?
Two people is both the minimum and the maximum. 1 Adult and 1 Child (Age 7 – 15)
I’m not a car person – can I still do the rally?
Yes you can. Lots of people on the rally are in the same position, so you don’t need to have any mechanical knowledge at all. There will be people in your buddy group that you travel with that do. We also have dedicated mechanical support crews that travel with us.
Do we drive to the start line and is that at our expense? When should we arrive?
How you get to the start line is up to you (you can freight your car if you like) and yes, it is at your cost. All teams need to be at the starting location by 4pm the day before the rally starts to attend the pre-rally briefing.
How do we get back from the finish line and who pays for that? How long do we spend at the finish destination?
You need to arrange your own transport home at your own expense. The post rally party will be the night we arrive to the finish line, after that, you’re free to go.
What other costs are there?
Meals during the rally are supplied by the remote local communities and are paid for via the “Catering & Camping Fee”. This is paid for in advance and is usually around $195 per team per day for 3 meals, we will let you know when this fee is due but it’s usually around 6-8 weeks from the rally start.
The post rally party food and drink is usually pay as you go on the day, if not we will let you know in advance.
Can I bring my dog on the rally?
We have a strict policy that no dogs are allowed on the rally. The rally founder is a dog owner himself, so this isn’t an anti dog response, but a response from people that know what the rally is like and know that it’s not the place for dogs. In addition to this, we go to a number of places where dogs are not allowed. If you bring your dog with you, you’ll lose your position in the rally, your car will be taken from you and you won’t participate in any future rallies.
Are we able to generate our own media attention?
Yes, of course. The rally creates a lot of media attention and we welcome all the help we can get. We have prepared media tips and materials to help teams generate their own publicity – please check the resources tab in the team portal once you are confirmed. Your social media networks are also very important to the rally.
Are the teams covered under your or Cancer Council’s Public Liability Insurance?
No. In most personal insurance policies though (such as home contents) there will be a clause about liability insurance, so you may be covered via your own insurance. It’s best to check this out and ensure you are covered.
If we have a business or an individual who provides a cheque donation which we deposit on their behalf, how do they get the tax receipt?
You will receive all the info you need about donations and receipts once your team is confirmed in your Pre-Rally Manual. You will also be provided with info in your Welcome Pack from Cancer Council when you have set up your We Give fundraising page.
I have a friend who is an avid outback traveller and wants to do the trip with us but in his own 4×4. As the roads are all public, I’m sure he can, even if he does his own thing in the evenings. Can he join us?
No. No way. Everyone that is on the rally has worked hard to raise funds for Cancer Council, so the rally is only for the teams. People can’t just turn up on the day of departure and expect to be a part of it. We take a very strong position on this.
Will there be a safety briefing?
Yes, there will be a Pre-Rally Briefing on the Friday afternoon, the day before we depart.
What happens if my child gets sick?
We have medical support teams named Medical 1, 2, etc. These are fully qualified medical professionals and are your point of call for medical assistance and advice as required.
Is there going to be entertainment for the kids?
Absolutely! There will be activities and games everyday.
Will there be baby sitting available?
No – your child is 100% your responsibility.
Will alcohol be present?
Yes but as there is only one driver (and children present), alcohol consumption will be respectful and limited.